How To Lose Weight Fast Night Tomato Diet
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How to lose weight fast night tomato diet

How to lose weight fast? Night tomato weight loss method is through the dinner made of tomatoes, achieve the goal of healthy weight loss. Underneath, small make up tomato fruit diet is to introduce you to night, make you health thin body is not afraid of fat.How to lose weight fast? Insist on night tomato fruit at losing weight for:1, tomatoes contain lycopene, food fiber can reduce bad cholesterol, accelerate metabolism, make you easy to thin body. Rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and minerals can at the same time, supplement the nutrition needed.2, lycopene and vitamin have beautiful skin effect.3, containing glutamic acid, the phase solubility with other food is very good, also can absorb other food nutrition, can help you lose weight and enjoy food.4, a tomato is a cheap ingredient, everywhere can buy with tomatoes and doing the menu has a lot of, can let you easily implement plan reducing weight.5, the last is "think thin determination", of course, like night tomato fruit weight loss goal, help you slim down.Why choose evening eat tomatoes? How to lose weight fast?One, accelerate metabolismBasal metabolism is weak, the body wastes do not go out, burning rate lower, will lead to obesity. Improve basal metabolism is the key to growth hormone, growth hormone secretion usually people go to bed at night. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients necessary for health, evening eat tomatoes, supply necessary nutrition, can promote the secretion of growth hormone in sleep, to speed up the basal metabolism. To form a thin body.In addition, warm food can accelerate the metabolism of the body, enhance immunity, and can let you have a thin body easily. Tomatoes belonged to cold sex food, but add salt, green onion, ginger, garlic and other hot, warm food after eating together, can become a "warm food" of the body.Second, inhibit fat increaseAt the same time the citric acid and lycopene in tomatoes can help to reduce body fat. Citric acid can promote the sugar metabolism and burn fat. Lycopene can inhibit fat cells, absorb excess body fat.3, low caloriesAn average size tomato heat of about 29.0 CAL.Per 100 g tomatoes to eat some nutritional value.1.0 g 19.0 kcal heat dietary fiber.
