Drink Much Eucommia Tea For Reducing Weight
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Drink much eucommia tea for reducing weight

Japan is popular diet is bile acid diet? Bile acid is what? Bile acid is the main component of bile, can effectively break down fat. Moreover, our daily contact eucommia tea, can effectively promote the secretion of bile acid! Don't keep up with the pace of small make up to learn about the big hot bile acid new ways to lose weight?Eucommia ulmoides picking gutta percha tree leaves, tea is the traditional method is made and be become health drink tea processing, taste slightly bitter and the sweet tongue, often drink is good for health, bedtime drink a cup of good, without any side effects, high health care value, drinking is convenient. That eucommia tea effect reducing weight good?


What are the ingredients?Eucommia tea to lose weightEveryday drink a drink, slimming and beauty. Because of eucommia tea to promote the synthesis of collagen, the sisters body fat is converted into heat consumed, removes waste at the same time, strengthen the metabolism of human cells, make the skin more flexible, dynamic, and thus have the effect that discharge poison to raise colour.Eucommia ulmoides is also one of the traditional Chinese medicine herbs, with recognized efficacy, in addition to can adjust the function of the kidneys and liver, improve the peristalsis of the intestines and the discharge capacity, and can improve the weak constitution. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is part of gutta percha tree bark, and the extraction of tea is brewed with its leaves juice. Leaves except with bark has the same effect, and also restore the function of the power to make bones and muscles. Someone after eating at the same time also cure eczema, restore the skin smooth.


So eucommia tea weight loss is more than the average tea health function.The composition characteristics of eucommia tea: eucommia bark bark and leaves the main component of the analysis with the same material, water extract of leaf dry matter production accounts for about 40% of the total, total is equivalent to the water extract of tea, it contains chlorogenic acid, peach leaf coral glucoside, rosin alcohol two glucose glucoside, vitamin C and other ingredients.Eucommia ulmoides improve metabolism, bile secretion, drink more teaBile, as the name implies, is the gallbladder in the secretion of digestive juices, and bile acid is the main component of bile. Is the main purpose of bile, digestion and absorption of lipid. Bile acid can effectively prevent the lipids in the body circulation, prevent excess lipid accumulation in the body. But, in fact not fresh bile acid, it is unable to function.Usually, the bile acid is to digest food and reach the intestines, and with faeces. After being out of the body, the body can regenerate new bile acid. But, for some reason, bile acid cannot successful eduction body outside, it is not possible to generate new bile, and lipid digestion, absorption, also cannot go smoothly.


That is to say, in order to let more fresh bile secretion, "discharge" is an essential link.At bottom, the circulation flow of bile acid, can well improve basal metabolism. But the bile acid production and leave the car of grass glucoside, therefore, more rich in car of grass glucoside of eucommia tea is undoubtedly a good way to improve the metabolism. By the way, when dining, we're the bile acid secretion, so at this time of eucommia ulmoides drinking tea, the effect will be better, oh.
