Being A Manager Vs Being An Employee
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Being a manager Vs Being an employee

Employees whether placed on senior levels or junior have to face stress due to mounting amount of workload. A stressed manager passes on his/her agony onto the junior level employees. The question is, are the senior level managers more delighted with their work than junior?

The advantage of being on the top is that you have the power to make decisions and this gives you an important position in the firm. This decisive power brings with it lots of responsibilities but also gives you the freedom to design the programme according to your convenience.

When you are on the top, the opportunities to grow both in terms of career and knowledge multiply. You come across eminent people who can teach you about the business in a way that you had never known. Your employee’s progress enhances your own growth prospects as it affirms your position as a proficient leader.

Expectation levels also soar when you are the manager. When you are an employee, one needs to take care of only their own duties but when you are the manager you become responsible for a whole team of employees. Thus the stress levels may aggrandize but the success levels also augment.

One gets the opportunity to see the business functioning with a close angle hence it helps in understanding the business strategy. Every aspect of the business can be studied and the manager can increase his/her erudite because of the position he/she holds.

Also the manager gets the liberty to design innovative methods of functioning. As he/she holds the absolute power, contemporary techniques or policies can be implemented which were not available previously. The challenges may exaggerate but it gives a sense of job satisfaction as you have the option of exploring different avenues.

-Arti Bakshi

“Human Resource”
