Cultural Intelligence
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Cultural Intelligence

The world is a homogenous mixture of cultural diversity. Apart from the traditions and customs the more challenging parts of the culture are hidden and these are the attitudes, beliefs and assumptions. Cultural intelligence is being adept at different cultures and the ability to absorb and understand the diverse cultures.

Cultural intelligence should be possessed by a manager in order to blend with his diverse team of employees and customers. Every office has its own cultural way of working. The technology, the process, the employee employer relations vary from office to office and makes one company different from other.

What is normal in one culture may be anomalous in other hence there exists a deviation in normality and this gives rise to variation in culture. When different cultures come together to achieve a common goal, the outcome could be the most creative. Views and ideas from different cultural background can be analyzed and a blend can be created which would render beneficial for the organization.

A manager who can adjust with different outlooks and stay at par with the current trend and mindset of his customers can have an edge over others. If a person is rigid towards change it would be difficult for him to build relationships hence it is important to lower the cultural barrier. When you accept the advice given by different people and try to implement it, it broadens the scope of a healthy relationship. Seeing the world from others point of view will multiply your success rate.

The major challenge that arises due to cultural diversity is communication. Because of a difference in the thinking level, communicating becomes a predicament. It is important to apprehend different cultures and map a way to creative breakthrough. Cultural intelligence teaches you the methods of handling different people possessing different beliefs thus helping you in developing dynamic and long lasting relationships.

-Arti Bakshi

"Human Resource- A Magazine for the Discerning Professional
