Experience The Storm To Reach The Rainbow
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Experience the storm to reach the rainbow

Experience the storm to reach the rainbow

When one dreams of being a great achiever, a long journey awaits him which may consist of many thorny paths and a few blooming flowers. But the crown that exists at the end of the journey inspires him to keep on going. If one accepts the Herculean challenge and has the will to go on in spite of the storm, then he is bound to reach the rainbow.

What happens when you come across a storm? You fall, you may feel the pain, the path ahead becomes dizzy and it may be difficult to move on. But we always have a choice. Learn to defend the storm.

When you start your career, the mistakes are ought to happen. The beginning is always a learning experience. Time teaches you to be better and finally the best. When your boss asks you crack your first deal, nervousness encompasses you. You blabber while presenting your company to the client and fail to meet your boss’s expectations. But slowly you learn the act of convincing and there comes a day when you galvanize each of your clients.

There are some who are born with a silver spoon but the ones who are not, have to carve their own aisle. The key to making it big is not falling apart even when faced with a difficult circumstance. What do we learn form our mistakes? Never to commit it again. If we don’t make mistakes, the difference between right and wrong would not be evident.

Always keep in mind that it is not the destination but the journey that makes you grow.

-Arti Bakshi

Human Resource- A Magazine For The Discerning Professional

