Hiring The Perfect Candidate For A Job
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Hiring the Perfect Candidate for a Job

Hiring the Perfect Candidate for a Job

Before employing a person one should design a list highlighting the characters required for the particular post. This makes screening facile and you can eliminate the candidates at the initial stage i.e. prior to fixing an appointment with them. It is also crucial to have a background check of all the applicants. In this competitive world every person wants to stand out in a crowd hence to enhance their chances of getting short-listed, using fake degrees or experience seems the apparent path.

Every berth has a specific requirement depending on which the candidate should be pinned down. If you are hiring someone as a receptionist, it is important that the person has excellent communication skills and his/her mannerisms are affable. On the other hand for the position of a internet marketer, erudition in the field of IT is required rather than verbal skills. Hence a candidate should be judged on the basis of the position to be filled.

Theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge are 2 different things. Ask as many questions to test their capabilities because mugging up and scoring excellent marks is different from actually performing the task. The interviewer should know that every candidate presents his best self during the dialogue hence a number of assessment techniques should be put to use.

Interviews are nerve-cracking hence it is the duty of the interviewer to make the atmosphere serene for the candidate and give him/her chances to clarify their aberrations because no one is perfect, that is why pencils have erasers.

-Arti Bakshi

"Human Resource- A Magazine For The Discerning Professional

