Is MBA Hyped?
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Is MBA hyped?

Is MBA hyped?

MBA is presently the need of the hour. Every third person aims to win an MBA. A person with MBA is given preference over others. Even after securing a good job, people opt for an MBA. Companies encourage their employees to pursue MBA with the company’s fund. When every person holds an MBA, what will be the factor that will distinguish between talents?

MBA certainly opens the doors for you at a certain level of your career. A person without this degree may come to a standstill in terms of growth because in order to get promoted your degree is given consideration. MBA also imparts in you the vision and ethics required for a successful and sustainable business. There are cases of people getting a salary raise because of effectuating MBA. But we cannot deny that many people at the top hierarchy are not endowed with this degree and it is not even a requirement for them but still every MBA holder aims to be at their position.

MBA is simply a tool which gives you leverage to access new opportunities in the work world. Regardless of where one gets the education, most employers want to see that an MBA was attempted and complete. The whole process enriches your knowledge and skills. Your career growth can highly enhance because of it. But it’s not only MBA that gives you the job; it is the extra aptitude and dedication that you possess.

-Arti Bakshi

"Human Resource- A Magazine for the Discerning Professional

