Managerial Relationships
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Managerial Relationships

A figure who is looked up to with respect and admiration is a manager. He possesses the qualities of a leader and runs his organization with skills that leads to the organizational success. The relationship that one fosters with his/her employees is directly proportional to the company’s augmentation. An unhappy employee cannot keep the company happy. Building healthy relationships makes the employee attached to the company and this attachment makes him put his heart and soul at work.

A manager denigrating an employee not only has negative influence on the employee but also questions ones managerial skills. When you discuss employee’s shortcomings with others, it is important that you also look for ways to amend their mistakes. Criticizing generates negative repercussions and every other employee who hears such negative comments will develop an opinion against the employee. Criticism is a sensitive matter and should not be done in presence of a crowd.

When a person dedicates half of his day towards an institution, the environment in which he works should be such that makes him comfortably perform his task. His mind and body both need to be at ease, only then can he concentrate and deliver his best. Listen to their grievance and try to seek appropriate solutions. Sometimes the problems could be vague but the HR should make the employee comprehend, taking care that he does not hurt their feelings. While dealing with feedbacks, analyze the complaints or suggestions given by dissonant employees and if you see that a particular issue encircles frequently, then that matter needs to be fixed first.

Employees await feedback. Unless they know where they are going wrong, finding remedies would be difficult. Appreciation when they deserve and methods to overcome the flaws should be suggested regularly.

Some managers believe in being affable while others prefer being stern. Every manager has his own style of working and one can use the technique that suits them the most. A technique that does not spoil your alliance with the employee would be profitable.

-Arti Bakshi

"Human Resource- A Magazine for the Discerning Professional
