Men Bosses Vs. Women Bosses
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Men Bosses vs. Women Bosses

Men Bosses vs. Women Bosses

A recent survey revealed that men bosses are preferred by larger part of the masses. In this 21st century, men and women are considered equal which was not congruous earlier still when a women leads, not all are exultant because it’s said that ‘women ones made equal to man becomes his superior.’

There are few who believe that the sex doesn’t matter, the attitude or character does. Women bosses are more gentle and motherly while men are more aggressive and commanding. The male employees cannot accept a female as boss probably because of their ego while female employees do not consider a female boss fit. Abhorrence could also arise due to a feeling of envy which breeds negativity. In a negative environment positive ontogenesis cannot exist.

One of the reasons why women bosses are not doted on is because they use more of their emotional intelligence and are sensitive to criticism. Also they tend to gossip more often than men which acts against them. If a person is not liked by the populace, why would someone take orders from them?

The concept of leaders is concurring with masculinity hence when we hear the term ‘boss’, automatically a male picture forms in our mind and we feel that women. Women Bosses is a relatively new concept and any kind of change needs time for acceptance therefore a woman has to take double the effort as compared to men to make a mark.

The world is changing and maybe one day the results of this survey will also modify.

-Arti Bakshi

"Human Resource- A Magazine For The Discerning Professional
