Negativity Is Expensive
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Negativity is expensive

When discontent exists amongst employees a negative environment starts breeding within the organization. When the backdrop is black, it absorbs all the positive attitudes. If one employee complains often, it might lead to a change in the minds of the other employees even if they have no complaints.

Antagonistic attitudes also arise due to insecurity. A feeling of jealousy can pervade if a co-employee receives more appreciation or appraisal. If every employee is treated equally this feeling will not prevail. Favoritism is seen in every organization but that doesn’t mean that one should mistreat the other employees.

Work conflicts if subsists, it can harm the other employees who are not concerned with the conflict. Too much of negativity stops people from working efficiently. It diverts their energy into something that is not fruitful thus lowering the performance levels to a great extent.

An ongoing rumor about lay-off or corrupt practices breeds negative ambience. Any wrong decision made by the company that is unfair to its employees influence negative energy. Also when employees work together as a force, mistreating one employee can offend the other employees. Hence employees should be handled with care as they are an asset to the organization.

There are certain rights that are bestowed on every employee like a right to have their privacy or the right to receive ones due on time. If these rights are not fulfilled, it de-motivates the employee and the appetite to work hard perishes. Thus a negative environment can cost the company in terms of horizontal as well as vertical growth.

Every organization should take into consideration these points so that these negative entourages are modified into positive and motivating forces that take the company into far reaching heights.

-Ari Bakshi

“Human Resource”- A magazine for the discerning professional
