Professional Jargons As A Barrier To Communication
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Professional jargons as a barrier to communication

Jargons are terminologies used by professionals to simplify a particular concept. Jargons are meant to enhance communication but at times it can act as the biggest barrier to communication.

Jargons can also be used to hide certain facts so that the listener does not realize the shortfalls or aberrations. One cannot comment if he/she cannot apprehend the language.

Jargons are used to maintain secrecy. Hence we find that different institutions have different jargons so that the trade secrets are not revealed to a third party.

New employees are not aware of corporate terms and hence require certain amount of time to imbibe this knowledge. Using jargons with them at the inaugural stage may leave them disconcert. Unless the employee understands his/her task, it’s difficult for them to work on it. Some time if donated to explain these jargons, the question of barrier does not arise.

Employees face hesitation while accepting that they are unaware of certain terms. They chose to keep quiet and not ask questions as the seniors might feel that they don’t have the basic knowledge. Juniors are apprehensive about asking questions thus it is the senior’s responsibility to maintain a complacent environment and enhance communication.

-Arti Bakshi

“Human Resource”
