Quality Vs. Deadlines
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Quality vs. Deadlines

Quality vs. Deadlines

“The targets have to be met”, orders an employer to his employee. In a span of 8-9hours, a certain amount work has to be actualized by the employee, in a manner that galvanizes his boss and creates a lasting impression. In order to fulfill their senior’s desire, they put their nose to the grindstone and try to accomplish something they are not capable of. In this dilemma they have to compromise on the quality. To achieve significant improvements in one, some degradation in the other must be accepted. Quality could only be improved at the expense of productivity and vice versa.

Before passing such stringent orders or rules, one should understand that every individual has different level of adequacy or aptitude. What an experienced professional can achieve, cannot be expected out of his juniors. Furthermore there are some who absorb knowledge quickly and deliver impromptu while others need time to learn and enhance their skills.

In accomplishing vast goals, the quality has to be sacrificed. When you deliver a product on time but of lower or below par quality, there is a probability that you will have to risk losing your customer. A client may compromise on clock but not on quality. Quality always matters but the quality of an organization can never exceed the quality of the minds that make it up.

Though quality has a upper hand over deadline, both are inter-linked and in the absence of either of them your work cannot be regarded as perfect.

-Arti Bakshi

"Human Resource- A Magazine For The Discerning Professional

