The Balancing Act Between Family And Work
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The balancing act between family and work

The balancing act between family and work

In this speedy world no one has the time to sit and stare. The ambitious youth aims at being the best and the richest. To conquer your dreams is not an easy task; it requires courage and ample amount of time. To secure the extra time, the time with family and friends is sacrificed. It is a common belief that once you have chosen the right path and secured an embellishing courier, then you will have enough time to think about your family. But that time never arrives. The more acknowledged you are, the less time you have.

A famous quote reads, “If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can’t buy.” In this material world money is required to build castles and be ecstatic but money alone cannot make you rich. You require the support of your family to lead a contended life. Unless you are able to strike a balance between the two, you cannot achieve happiness. If you are at work, work with your heart and soul and when you are with closed ones, do not let your work interfere between the quality times you spend with them. Resist the temptation to work 24/7. The time lost with your family cannot come back to you. Your family might compromise if you do not devote enough time to them but the relation tends to become sour if it is a routine.

Sanction certain amount of hours for your work and try not to cross the limit. You can be glad of your life when you have the chance to work, to be with your family and to look at the stars.

-Arti Bakshi

"Human Resource- A Magazine for the Discerning Professional
