Who Is A Facilitator?
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Who is a facilitator?

A facilitator is someone who helps in taking important decisions by giving a perspective to every situation. The facilitator may not pronounce the end result but he/she contributes in the entire decision making procedure. It is the duty of the facilitator to find answers but not by being biased or by having an opinion that suits him/her the best. The settlement should be such that it is favorable for the organization as a whole.

To lend ears is the duty of the facilitator. Whilst a discussion, there are a group of individuals who overpower and some others who prefer to just listen. In such a scenario the facilitator helps retain a balance in the conversation, provides important information, suggests measures, comprehend favorable points and divides time efficiently. When in a situation where consensus cannot be met, the facilitator makes the group understand the paramount points in the argument and how to find out the culminating retort.

Maintaining a consistent performance shows that the facilitator is focused. Accelerated performance on a particular day and absolutely crouched performance on some other day does not portray your efficiency. Thus the facilitator ensures that each task is well performed.

Drawing an exact growth chart and making sure that it is religiously followed to accomplish reasonable goals is what the facilitator is responsible for.

-Arti Bakshi

Human Resource- A Magazine for the Discerning Professional

