Time Management
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Time Management

Time Management

We have heard that ‘time is precious’ but realize its meaning when time slips away from ones hand. When the task at hand is not completed within the deadline that is when we discern, wasting of time is derogatory.

Managing your work according to your capabilities is a must. While designing a ‘to do’ list, understand your adequacy and make sure to secure some time for other activities not relating to your work. It is always advisable to indulge in extra-curricular activities which will help freshen you up and begin a new task with adeptness and concentration. Provide appropriate time depending on the weight of the task. If a task requires 1hr. for completion do not bargain for lesser time. Being over- ambitious may hinder all the other tasks following it.

Punctuality always depicts efficiency. Delivering your goods on time or being apt for an appointment has a lasting impression. It shows your client that you value time. If too much has to be achieved too soon then prioritize your work. The most important task on the list should be completed first and if everything is important then it is better to let go of some things rather than doing everything in a bustle, without full dedication.

Time Management shows your disciplinary skills and following your regime with discipline guarantees a lap of luxury.

-Arti Bakshi

"Human Resource- A Magazine For The Discerning Professional

