Dealing With Stress At Work
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Dealing with Stress at Work

Dealing with Stress at Work

The fast pace of life doesn’t give us the time to take care of ourselves. Being ambitious has taken a toll over our smooth life. There is so much to do in such a short span of life. Burdening oneself with responsibilities and overtly ambitious dreams can lead to stress. Stress at work is unavoidable. No matter how efficient you are, there is always something left to do. For some it is easy to divide their time between work and family but for some the work continues even when they are out of office. So how do we cope up with stress?

Diverting your mind could be an effective technique. It is very important that you get out of your work mood once you are out of your workplace. I know people who think about their work even during their sleep. Obsession with your work can be calamitous for your personal life. Socializing is a healthy option. It takes your mind away from the daily chores and gives instant relief. Plan some time out with closed ones on every weekend. Even a small walk can do wonders. Opening your heart out and discussing your problems is a solace.

Planning is vital. You may want to do some activities during your holiday but when the day arrives, we have a tendency of avoiding it. Sleeping and relaxing are definitely stress busters but at the same time doing something that is of interest is also satiating. Don’t let your hobbies die. That is what makes you distinct from others.

Exercise and meditation can be expedient. But it is always advisable to take help when following these techniques. Over exerting yourself with exercise or not meditating with concentration will render you no help. Exercise also helps you in staying fit and a healthy body generates healthy thoughts. Meditation surrounds you with a positive aura and keeping negative thoughts at bay can help you de-stress. It is also advisable to keep away from anything that mounts the negative energy like office fray, gossips, etc.

Studies have shown that music with strong beats can help bring alert thinking and better concentration there by promoting calm and a meditative state. Also music can bring changes in brain activity levels which will enable it to shift speeds very easily on its own. This in turn can lead to a healthy state of mind. Music can also alter the heart rate and breathing functions and there by improve the relaxation response by causing slower and relaxed breathing.

Stress covers a huge range of phenomena from mild irritation to severe problems that might result in a real breakdown of health. Sometime stress does make you deliver quick and positive results but too much of anything can be catastrophic.

-Arti Bakshi

"Human Resource- A Magazine for the Discerning Professional
