Most Common Myths About Flash Design
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Most Common Myths About Flash Design

Flash design is a wonderful way to embed a little animation or clip into your web page. It can separate your web page from all the other very boring web pages. Most folks who are doing research or surfing on the net for any long periods of time usually appreciate a site with something unique and powerful that grabs their attention. That being said however, it is not absolutely necessary for having an attractive website.

Some of the major myths associated with Flash design started many years ago because computers were on the dial-up system instead of having high-speed internet connections. The myth about Flash animation being slow to download, can be overcome by designers who know how to associate the codes of the clip with the parent page, thereby tying everything together so it appears at the same time. Designing a web page sounds like fun but it requires a lot of skill and practice to know how to use the web development tools. A web designer will know that the HTML text should be the most important message on your site and in case a user has blocked Flash or doesn’t have a plug-in installed on their browser they will still see the essential portion of your site. There will not be incongruous ugly blocks of missing content, but a page that loads nicely into all browsers, tablets and devices.

One of the other myths about flash is that they affect your site’s ranking. This may have happened to someone who didn’t put keywords in the search engine tags. If the entire site is one giant Flash animation without some search engine words or SEO as HTML text, then it may rank lower. This is why the site developer can keep things moving smoothly and keep you up to standards while creating better pages than we can.

The funniest myth is the one about Flash design being loud and annoying. First of all, Flash design is only as loud and annoying as your web designer makes it.Furthermore, it is only as loud as the PC user wants it to be by lowering or raising his or her volume control. There used to be something called Flash Intros that might have scared some people away from Flash, but most web developers are not using those anymore. Why would they want to alienate and upset rather than provide meaningful content? The point is to draw the viewer into the site. Make them interested and help them linger. Flash can do that because it makes things pop out from the page in a virtual real looking setting. By loud, it is certainly a way to get dramatic attention. Perhaps the word loud was meant in a more figurative way. Kind of a poetic way, as in: “She wore a bright shade of lipstick and though it was a “loud” color, it made my head spin with desire.” It is greater to deliver a memorable experience.

