Corporate Kranti
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Corporate Kranti

Recession can be the root of revolution which is required for current state of art of corporate.

The time has come for Corporate Kranti!

But how? Through new ideas, new visions, new initiatives, new beginnings, new thoughts, new experimentations...

But yet the question is how to bring this new???

Very simple! MIND is the key.

But how many have such MIND? All of us we need to learn how to use it...

And who will teach us how to use it?

Well no-one we are our own saviours... who taught us breathing, sleeping, thinking, digesting, seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling??? Its natural...

MIND is clutter up with the old stuff and with fears and with insecurities and with biases and with hypothesis and what not...

So for that before learning we need unlearning... But how to unlearn?

Great! If all answers I need to give then what are you going to do?

Just take initiative, start using your MIND. If ideas doesn't pop-up and use simple ways such as read self-help books.

If you don't know which book you need to read at this point of time here is one suggestion for you...

Listen to the next episode of 5 Minutes Book Reading and get the idea....

Click on Episode 105 to listen.