5 Useful Google Tricks You Can'T Miss
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5 useful Google tricks you can't miss

Time is really precious to us: We have courses, assignments, projects, not to mention your social life. So, why not to seize the wonderful world Google provide us? From those super-effective search techniques, dedicated to the teaching of Google tools, to Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar using the techniques and tips, all these techniques can certainly save you valuable time. Getting the most out of Google products such as Gmail, Docs, and YouTube is a must if you're using them for business. However, the products are so packed with features that it can be hard to keep up.

Here are 5 little-known features across various Google services that could change the way you work, or perhaps make life that little bit easier. (hot tag: ipad to itunes )

1. See if Google Services Are Working

Ever tried to access one of Google's services but you've been unable to? If you're like me, the first think you'll do is ask any colleagues nearby whether they can access the service. Well, no more. By visiting the Google Apps Status page you can see at a glance whether there are any problems, and if so, what the nature of the problem is.

2. View All Kinds of Files Online

Google Docs Viewer is a neat little Website that lets everybody view files online, avoiding the need to download and open them manually. Despite its name, you don't have to be a Google Docs user to access it. All you need do is visit Google Docs Viewer and enter the address of the file you want to view. (Gmail users will find that attachments in messages are automatically linked to the Google Docs Viewer--just click the View link at the end of the message.)

Until recently it was only possible to view office documents, such as Microsoft Word or Excel files, but a few weeks ago the list expanded significantly to include Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator files, TrueType fonts, AutoCad files, and even files created by Apple's iWork Pages.

3. Avoid Account Hijacking

To ensure that nobody but you ever accesses your Google account, you can have Google phone you with a confirmation code or send a SMS to your cell phone, every time you login. That way, even if somebody steals or second guesses your password, there's simply no way they can access your account.

This security is known as a two-stage verification procedure, which you can set up here. Note that this service is still being rolled out and might not yet be available to you. Keep checking back, however, because the intention is for it to be available to all Google users.

Gmail users can also use an @google-mail.com address. Gmail users can also use an @google-mail.com address. A drawback (or benefit) of the new security is that you might need to add new, specific passwords for certain Google services, such as mobile Gmail, desktop Picasa, or AdWords Editor. This is because these services don't yet work with the two-step verification process. Signing up using the link above will walk you through what's required.

4. See Who Last Accessed Your Account

Worried somebody's been snooping on your Gmail account? By clicking the Details link at the very bottom of the Gmail page, you can view when, where and how your Gmail account was last accessed. The last 10 logins are listed.

5. Test Your YouTube Connection

Has YouTube been stuttering, or just a little slow? By right-clicking any video and selecting Take Speed Test or just visiting this speed-test link , you can compare your playback speed to others who use your ISP, as well as comparing it to the average speed for your city, and country. By clicking the Show Video Test link, you can measure your speed. Just look at the HTTP section in the information window at the top left of the video display to see how quickly you're receiving the video file.

These basic Google search techniques and advanced techniques, most of which you may already know, but if you know that another part, it will bring great convenience for your search process. Many people are Google users and we may use Google for a long time, but few people know all the serects and skills of Google search. These five Google search tricks can provide you some useful information, maybe it can help you improve search efficiency.

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