Four Reasons To Show Us Why Siri Not Threaten Google
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Four reasons to show us why siri not threaten Google

Some people think that Siri is the "Google killer", but a senior industry David Coursey wrote that although the Siri will change the way we interact with mobile devices, but it is not yet a threat to Google. Nothing can be quickly "kill" Google. If Google itself in the next 24 months to launch a good "Siri killer", I think that Google do not need to worry too much of Siri. ipad video converter reviews can help you choose the most suitable one tool.

1. It is almost certain that Apple will not authorize any other smart phone manufacturers to use Siri. If Siri still only support iOS system, then its market share on Google constitutes a shortage of real challenges. This application can take away a lot of Google's income? I think not, the application only interfere with Google, is not enough to threaten Google's status. icloud music sync allows you to sync the music from iCloud to iOS devices, such as iPad, iTouch, iPhone easily.

2. Android products have been sold in the market. Although I do not plan to give up my iPhone and replaced by Android product, but there are still many people will buy Android phones. Google develop voice applications do not have to like Siri so cool so good, as long as practical on the line.

3. Siri have difficult to obtain a variety of groups widely used. Apple has never been a popular brand of civilians because of their higher prices. If you are not fans of Apple products, then you don't think Siri is wonderful application, but its function is imperfect and may soon allow users to feel in some trouble.

4. Google has to understand the needs of users and have the required data, the ability to launch better voice applications, at least in the data function can be more than Siri. But the challenge Google faced is how to let the application understand users' questions.

In addition, Apple's take on ways to promote the search and targeted advertising revenue, I am somewhat worried. If Apple's strategy of serious mistakes, then Google and even Microsoft could swoop in, leading to Apple's advantage in the Siri weakened. free dvd ripper is a good helper for you.

In Steve Jobs era, Apple's user-friendly color of mobile products is very goog, Google hasn't done well in this area. However, if Tim Cook led under the slightest mistake in the design of Apple, and Google made significant improvements, then Google would not have been caused by Siri real threat, there is no future and will not appear.
