Steve Jobs Showed Us The Basic Design Principle
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Steve Jobs showed us the basic design principle

Jobs accepted the Playboy interview and talked about Mac in the 1980s: "We are designing for ourselves, it‘s good or bad is judged by us, we do not do market research, we want to do our utmost to create the best things. In order to sleep at ease, appearance and quality is to be consistent. " free iPad Video Converter is a perfect tool for us.


Apple's chief designer Jonathan had said, 'mind' is the basic design principle. Apple's spirit is doing everything possible to develop the best products, so companies can be profitable. Detail is everything: from product concept to product inside; use of parts and components from suppliers to make parts to maximize the performance of software and tools; from the functional to the appearance. In addition, there are ways to promote sales of these products. Steve Jobs said: "Creation is common, when you ask the creator how they create these products, they will feel a bit ashamed, because they are not really to create a product, they only seen these things before. It is very obvious in a period of time. "Design is not a battle for only one, even a genius of Steve Jobs, he still needs a team. As we all know, Steve Jobs needs excellence design of Apple products. So we know, his own vision of shopping is also very picky. Back in 2005, released the first generation iPod Shuffle, when asked about how to buy technology products, he once told "The Independent": "A lot of things I finally decided not to buy, because I find them very funny. "At that time he could not even find a phone to his satisfaction. The best ipad video converter can be a good partner in your daily life when using your loved ipad.

Jobs in 2003, "New York Times" in an interview on the design definition, point to understand the other's errors. "Most people mistakenly think that design is the appearance, is decorated. The designer has entered a framework that only look beautiful on the line. Our understanding of the design is not the case. Design is not just how the product looks or feels, but how to use them." YouTube Downloader for iPad is just designed for loyal iPad fans.
