Take Attention To Windows Phone 7'S 3 Excellent Features
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Take attention to Windows Phone 7's 3 excellent features

The development of mobile requirements products to truly fit the pace of users' life, to meet social needs and to provide a seamless experience. Windows Phone 7 Series mobile phone operating system release is a turning point in this process. Experience can be found at the scene, Microsoft Windows Phone 7 look and feel more simple than most phone systems. Apple introduces new iPhone or later iOS, always able to attract enough sensation, everyone wants to try Apple's new products. This sensation will help to promote product sales. However, the introduction of Microsoft Windows Phone 7 did not cause a similar sensation. In fact, consumers concerned about the Windows Phone 7 less and less, which is Microsoft's mobile platform, sad, and not conducive to the Microsoft and Apple and Google to compete. Microsoft should take prompt action to cause consumer concern for the Windows Phone 7. ( popular software: best dvd rippers )

We know Windows Phone 7 sales have been slower than anticipated over the past year. So why am I excited about the Mango update and the next generation of WP7 phones? Mango includes more than 500 new features designed to improve multitasking (yes!), offer more-dynamic information, and make apps and the operating system work together more efficiently. Plus, manufacturers seem to be stepping up the power and attractiveness of their soon-to-launch phones.

Better Entertainment Experience

I may be in the minority here, but I’ve always been a fan of the Zune music software (the Zune player is a different story). The Zune software on the phone and its features in the PC client are gorgeous, user-friendly, and a refreshing alternative to iTunes. The Music+Video Hub, where the Zune player lives in WP7, now has Last.fm, Slacker, and YouTube integration, so you can easily see a list of the videos you've watched or the songs you listened to on those services. There's even a playlist creator in the Zune Player called Smart DJ (Microsoft’s way too similarly named variation on iTunes’ Genius Playlist) that creates mixes based on similar songs in your collection. This has been a feature of the Zune desktop software for quite some time--and it's a welcome addition to Windows Phone 7.

Shiny, New Hardware

HTC, LG, and Samsung will most likely be responsible for the first Mango phones that reach U.S. shores. We should start seeing U.S. versions of these next-generation WP7 phones unveiled at the CTIA conference in mid-October. The leaked--and confirmed--phones I’ve seen look pretty exciting.Other partners include Acer, ZTE, and (of course) the long-awaited Nokia phones. Nokia partnered with Microsoft to launch Windows Phone 7 smartphones back in February. Unfortunately, none of the rumored WP7 phones will connect to a 4G network. When I met with Microsoft in June, its product managers told me that though they were interested in 4G technology, all models in this next generation of phones will be 3G.

Smarter and Hopefully, More Apps

One characteristic that Microsoft hopes will differentiate Windows Phone 7 from iOS and Android is its approach to apps. A new feature called App Connect will tie apps to search results in Bing. Apps on other platforms don't interact with other aspects of your phone, Microsoft argues. App Connect will incorporate the information from each of your apps--whether it be a music app or a weather app--seamlessly into Search. So if you're searching for a movie, for example, App Connect will integrate ticket-purchasing information from the Fandango app along with your standard search results for movie times, reviews, trailers, and similar data.

Windows Phone 7 focused on the consumer experience, such as phone operating system support Xbox Live. Of course, games and other functions are necessary for the consumer market, but Microsoft did not give enough attention to the enterprise market, this is a serious mistake. Windows Mobile phone is not favored by the market, the latest version of Windows Phone 7 is still not attractive enough for the formation of business users, which will result in the development of Microsoft's challenges encountered in the process. Read the Windows Phone 7 on the phone after the operation, one thing is certain that Apple no need to worry. Windows Phone 7 software itself can not match iOS, the device has not reached the level of the iPhone's advanced technology. In short, Windows Phone 7 smart phones can only become a "substitute" for the iPhone.

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