Apple And Facebook Will Become Major Competitors In Media Industry
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Apple and Facebook will become major competitors in media industry

It is said that social networking site Facebook will officially launch the highly anticipated iPad special applications on October 4 to be held Apple iPhone 5 phone conference. In addition to Facebook version iPad application, it is anticipated Facebook also will release a revised version of the iPhone application, and may launch a mobile application market based on HTML5. ipad video converter is a good choice for you to use your ipad perfectly.

Apple's core competence lies in a fresh, simple, elegant content consumption way to replace the previous complex and ugly way. Facebook is a similar pattern of positive into Apple's market. Apple through the iPod, iPhone, Apple TV and iPad do this. And "complicated, ugly" is left to the outside world the impression that Facebook was. In the Facebook model, the user does not pass through iTunes, but through the dynamic summary to discover content. Facebook's News Summary will help you understand what your friends and family are doing. If you see friends are listening to a song, then Facebook will help users to listen to the same song. In addition, the Friends will also users to purchase or lease an impact on television and movies.

More importantly, if the success of Facebook, it will be successful for social networking model. If you find media content through social networking is the future trend, then Apple must enter this field. Apple has launched a social network for iTunes music Ping, but can not see the future of social networking. Apple is now more like a media platform, rather than the consumer electronics company. Over the past 10 years, Apple's success changed the user to create and consume media content. In the past 10 years, Apple iPod, iTunes, iPhone, App Store, retail stores and iPad products and services a success. Although the Apple TV set-top box has not yet achieved the same success, but this is a cool product.

Apple has a common theme of these success that Apple hopes to improve these products and services in the consumer media content when the user experience. Apple has created such a model: the user through iTunes discover, purchase, enjoy music, movies, TV shows, books, audio books, magazines and newspapers, followed by the likes of Apple products to play the content. If you watch a movie in the iPad the first half, then you can watch on TV after half, this pattern of integration has brought pleasure to the users. If you are ipad user, i think ipad to ipad transfer is an essential tool for you.

The service Facebook launched this week has started to impact Apple, and in the future of media consumption will bring a challenge for Apple. Apple should make a comeback, with a fresh, simple, elegant way to replace a complex, ugly way. Many people find it difficult to sync iPad without iTunes, especially once they plug the iPad in a new computer, the iTunes will erase all the iPad library.
