Can Tim Cook Continue Apple'S Brilliant?
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Can Tim Cook continue Apple's brilliant?

Steve Jobs brought us the stunning iMac, Macbook, iPod, iPhone and iPad products, these products allow our electronic life has been an unprecedented change. Although Steve Jobs has over time to no longer young old style, and now we see Steve Jobs has been slowly growing old, the patient should now become his biggest challenges. Even so, Steve Jobs still love apple, love of his life that he devoted efforts of technology companies, trying to make his own contribution to the remaining time to its last forces. how to transfer pdf to ipad? After the hilarious launching of iPad, the world is talking about iPad. Many people may ask the same question.


Tim Cook, the new CEO of Apple, wrote a letter to all the Apple employees: to be competent in this world's most innovative company's CEO, is a unimaginable opportunity for me, I can not wait want to play an active role. Join Apple is the most right choice I ever made and it is my greatest honor to work for Apple and Steve for 13 years. I will continue to share with you the spirit of Steve and to create a better future of Apple. Steve for me, the whole Apple executives, as well as for all employees is a rare spiritual leader and mentor. We look forward to his Capacity as Chairman of the Board of Apple still continue to give us guidance and inspiration. Many ipad users have the same question on how to watch movies on ipad, i can give you some suggestion.

I hope you can continue to maintain confidence to the company, because Apple will not change. Apple's unique values' principles is my most valuable asset. Steve not only created a company, but also including a culture completely different with other companies. We will continue to continue this culture - as it has been integrated into our DNA. We will continue to launch excellent work products that will allow consumers to rejoice, and let our employees feel very proud of them.

I love Apple, I hope as soon as possible into this new role. I am very grateful to the board of directors, executives, and your support for me. I am very confident with Apple's future, I hope you are like me, let us continue to Apple's brilliant. If you want, I believe you can get more useful ipad tips for google.
