What's Apple Next Successful Software
But not all software like itunes is so successfu. What's next?
iPad is really hot, its main funciton just watch movie, play games, and read books.
Some hate movies, some dislike games.What about books? ( ipod to mac transfer review )
See that? Only reading books is acceptable by all people.
ibook has a huge market.
Moving from paper textbooks to digital, at first glance, looks like an upgrade guaranteed to succeed. A handful of companies control a $10 billion textbook market ripe for disruption. Unfortunately, while Apple's $14.99 iBook textbook looks far more affordable than a $65 traditional textbook, it works for only one student for one year, and requires an iPad. A paper textbook works for up to 10 years for multiple students.
Other critics point to the issue of reforming education, not just textbook distribution. Wikipedia plans to present all knowledge online, and Salman Khan's short, targeted videos at Khan Academy win raves from users and are being used by many schools. Both are free, while outfitting 55.5 million schoolchildren with iPads will cost in the $20 billion range, and require replacements for broken devices. ( ipad video converter reviews )
Add ibook author, you may easily create your first books on book store.
Much cheaper is another reason.