All that IT/ITES hound for!
We all are well aware that all the IT/ITES do expect something or the other from the scholar, who has enforced them-selves to get into their IT/ITES ménage…
Here below is a story followed by its moral-lesson, which speaks about the mentation of these IT/ITES!
On a day there
was a lady who had lost her partner now living with her only son of age
6… to her fate she fall sick and was admitted to the hospital (a
general hospital) though there were none to take care off…she survived
hardly for 6 days and closed her eyes with a deep ken on the lonely
living of her only son!
Immediately after her passing, the doctor came out asking for the
caretakers of the body, then at that moment a daily wager who had seen
the kid playing there for past few days mentioned that she had none
other than her young 6 year kid to take care off… so as usual,
according to the practice of that hospital they decided to declare the
body as anonymous and opted a deal with the local government to burry
it by receiving 500 bucks from the government. Then the wager decided
to take care of the child and took him to his home, simultaneously
saying that his mom will be back soon when asked by the child for his
mom…then the took back the child to his work place as usual and also
made the boy work along with him in the hospital by getting all that
what the patients or pupil around postulate and by that rolled their
living…these two were even responsible for burning orphan dead bodies
which had none to take care off…for which they received 500 bucks from
the government for each body…
As days rolled, the boy was now twelve, he then said to his master that as he could not work on all fields running for the whole day mentioned that he would take care of the cremation work alone, as he wished agreed his master… from that moment the boy took care of his job with deem seniority and on one fine day even his master passed away… as usual the boy arranged for his master’s cremation but for his surprise he bought a garland of rose costing 50 bucks and prayed before the body placing the garland for a move of 5 minutes and at that moment ha decided to here by do the same for all the bodies the he is going to burn in the future, which he did not do before!
1) The boy initially worked as his master directed for all until he was at the pole to decide as in what he was best at and then determined the field in which he was good at or wished for.
2) He did not mind choosing a job which wanted him to work day/night with no time preference, were he was to work at all times as he was called for!
3) When he felt it good by the birth of a change in his task he preferred doing it even in his future endeavors with no hesitation.
4) Though he spent bucks from his hand he did not mind for it or he did not deal to get it from the government claiming for the garland.
This is what all IT/ITES expects from the pupil who opt to get to work with them as one with oneness in their family…
1) Knowing at what you are good at and working in that particular field.
2) Be work minded rather worrying for time pole.
3) Bringing change as and when need and living lifted with those changes.
4) Not claiming for more during hardships as you do not forego/forfeit your pay while you face relaxations at times due to lack of task.
Heard from a speaker:
Pasted with few modifications!
Happy living… J@@NU