When To Move On To New Job?
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When to move on to new job?


Not enjoying what you do is probably the first indication that you should quit your job. However, it sometimes so happens that you can't quite put your finger on what's wrong though you know something is not right.

Here are some signs that indicate you need to chuck your job.

Low salary

Your workload has increased but your salary hasn't. This is definitely not a good thing, especially if you find it difficult to survive on your current wages.

"If you find yourself staying back at work without any commensurate travel or food allowance, it's time to change your job," says Radhika Goswami, an HR consultant.

All work and no satisfaction

"Zero job satisfaction will demotivate you, which will reflect in your performance. Don't wait till you get fired," says Goswami. If your job does not appeal to you, what are you still slogging for?

Find yourself another job that will be better at satisfying your drive and ambition.

Divorce discrimination

If you feel that your progress is being hindered because of your gender, age or background, do not hesitate at all to change your job. "The glass ceiling for example is a very common thing in many organisations. A woman is not allowed to rise above a certain position," says Goswami.

Bad boss and tough colleagues

Working with people you don't like can be tough. This can be worse if your boss is absolutely incompetent. Life's gets tough. If you really cannot work with your current boss or colleagues anymore, it's time you moved on to something else.

Better offer

They made you an offer you can't refuse. It's probably a career-making opportunity that comes just once in a lifetime. Don't let go of it out a sense of loyalty to your current employers.

The only thing that should probably keep you back is an even better offer from your boss. The end of one job signifies the beginning of another. So, embrace change.
