Vienna Classic: The Reactions
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Vienna Classic: The reactions

"I went out to five kilometers from the finish. It was difficult to leave because the roads were wide. It rolled strangely all day with the escapees and the peloton. In the end it is excited. I attacked at the right time. Everyone had sore legs. At the beginning of my attack I thought there were still guys in front, but a biker told me that I was leading. As I turned I saw no one behind me and I started to believe it. I was hoping to do something because I feel good right now. The aim of the club is very well placed on the Coupe de France we finished fourth and very close to the podium last year. It starts very well for us. '

Yannis Yssaad (CM Aubervilliers 93-BigMat)Second of the Vienna Classic"I have a good feeling from the beginning of the season. A little less for a sprint today but there is still strength. I like this kind of uphill finish. It allows me to make no difference at startup. It took a lot and rub well be placed in the final straight. '

Alexis Caresmel (EC Raismes Petite-Forêt)Escaped for 70 km"When we came to two (with Julien Le Bris VC Country Loudéac, Ed), it was expected reinforcements arrive. It never came. We could not get up after all these efforts, so we continued. When the gap is increased to more than 2 ', it was said that the final, with the wind at your back, anything could happen, but it was still far from the finish again. Two, the cause was lost in advance! '
