A Fresher Is A Fresher Forever???-Reason For Attrition
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A Fresher is a Fresher Forever???-Reason for Attrition

Quality Lead
See interview of Jitendranath  P
I have been observed over past 7 years all the organisations and the Big MNCs..

when guy/gal gets job through campus placement and at the time of joining he/she feels too proud and happy to enter in office..thinking as if they are intelligent enough with more fresh knowledge.

Yes..that is true exactly.they are the real energetic resource with real passion to do the things with lesser exposure to company politics and coporarate languages.

they join as freshers and they get lot of good name and good appreciations from managers with in 6 months but they dont get what they really deserve in their appraisals BECAUSE they treated as "Freshers".

After 1 year..The fresher thinks himself/herself as experienced person and does the good job but in appraisal ...they dont get what they really deserve BECAUSE they treated as "Freshers having one Yr experience"

After 2 years..the management sends meeting invitation to all the freshers who are now 2 yrs of experience. In the meeting General manager or the organiser of the meeting (some Head) delivers a lecture ..which represents the below statements

"Its good and happy to see you all ..you are No more Freshers now and you are no more students now and you are having 2 Years of Experience..this company gave you 2 Yrs of experience and from now onwards you are no more treated as "freshers"..

So management indirectly reminds all that "you are freshers but having 2 years of experience"

During the appraisal period...naturally they dont get what they deserve..because Management remembers still "they are freshers" ..Though the freshers themselves forgot that theya re freshers"

So this type of feeling exists with all HR,Management...

At this time...The disappointed...desparated "so called Freshers" flies to another Company with some good offer in terms of money,there he/she treated as "experienced Employee".

So what is happening here...the logic is simple...

If you know a person right from his/her birth time when you are Elder or Senior than him/her...then you always treats them as Child only though they grow old. which gives inconvinient feeling to that child some times later because of the way they get treated.

Hence ...management need to identify that "freshers are valuable assets and their ideas are always fresh...,..

Because EVERY ONE are Freshers some times back...........

so lets us give value to them and treat them in right way.
