Make Office Package Make Easy to Use : Some Special Features of Windows
Hello friends, I am writing this blog as suggested by my SI friend Ojeswetha Sahu.
I am sharing these tips for some unusual conditions. These conditions can be: injury on fingers, handicapped persons or while you unable to sit on the chair for a long time or many more.
On screen Keyboard:
This feature of computer is really very helpful when you don’t want to type by your fingers. Just press the keys of onscreen keyboard by mouse button.
To open Onscreen keyboard =>
Start >> Programs>>Accessories>> Accessibility >> Onscreen Keyboard.
I really found of this feature. I commonly use onscreen keyboard when I don’t want to type anything by using normal laptop / PC keyboard.
Vista Speech Recognition:
This option is also available on Windows-Xp service pack two but I have never used this with Xp.
Friends, do you want to operate your system by your voice only?
Then this option is only for your.
· You need to have a windows Vista and a head-Mike phone only.
· Attach this head- Mike with your PC/ laptop.
· Open control panel & then select start speech recognition.
· This option will automatically tell you about this its installation.
· Patiently install & understand this feature (because many times system will be unable to understand what you are saying, so be patient, read and follow the instructions provided by the system).
· You need to remember only one thing that your voice accent must be US not British.
· Try to use this feature in less noisy place otherwise system will be unable to identify your voice command.
· After installing it, speech recognition will start automatically when you on your system.
· I really enjoyed this option because it gives a feeling of expert of computers (Bingo! an electronic device is following your voice command).

Some More:
Text to Speech: it will read what ever you type on text applications.
Friends that’s all from my side. If you know some more options, please do write it because comment box is all yours…..
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