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What makes Blogspot a better spot than WP?

I have been blogging for the past 8 yrs. Initially started blogging at but by the time it went under acquisition, I lost all my articles/posts/data. In 2007 finally, I migrated to blogspot with the believe that Google won't cheat, and actually it didn't. 2010 onwards Blogspot has been not only the biggest blog spot but one of the top ten websites in the world. But today's consumers don't believe in monopoly - oneness. There is another popular blog-spot called wordpress - one of the top 25 websites.
The rivalry is close - closer than google vs. baidu, youtube vs. dailymotion.
There are reasons for that. Bloggers are the most independent consumers. They like to experiment. They actually have got the guts to move against the onflow. Like many other bloggers, I have been using both. I must say both have their distinct features and can't be compared at all.
Blogsopt: Top choice for common users
Common Users, who don't want buy their own disk space prefer blogspot as their top choice for obvious reasons:
Blogspot allows you to edit your template's codes. You can import the templates as per you choice. Wordpress does charge heavy amount for these facilities. Moreover Blogspot offers some really great dynamic templates which are not available at wordpress. It offers unlimited bandwidth against the limited offer at wordpress. But what blogger doesn't provide is that you can't publish your pdf docs directly at blogspot but at wordpress you can.
Wordpress: Simplest web support service for common paid users
Wordpress is known for offering its free web software/service for paid users those found their web hosts already. Having said that you can now install a number of templates using wordpress. But still you won't find these as great as offered at blogspot. there are a number of lovely templates designed for wp, but they aren't free, are they?
For blogging purpose, I won't migrate to wordpress but for website development. In a nutshell, blogspot is for active bloggers with over 250 million users those can follow each other, read all following blog posts in the same web page using google reader. Wordpress is for users who are interested in establishing their own websites with their own space and all. Wordpress is known for it web support services that is not offered by blogspot.
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