Mastery Of Five Skills,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Mastery of five skills,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,

pupil of M.B.A
Character Driven Leadership - Five Skills You Must Master

Have you ever heard that people do not follow titles but that they follow courage? Did you know that as a leader there are things which you can do to make yourself more of a leader than those in the position of power? Think about it, leadership success is more about having people follow you than it is about having a title. Well, if you want to learn what it is going to take to make you this kind of leader here are five things which you must master:

• Learn to focus on people's strengths

Weaknesses are only the things which a person is not. If you continue to criticize people where they are weak than they are only going to commit their energy to covering them up or trying to make them at least mediocre. This is a waste of energy. Better to focus on people's strengths and let their weaknesses be compensated for by the others on your team who are strong in those areas.

• Learn to apologize when you are wrong

People follow after people, not machines. Trying to appear perfect is going to make you impersonal and distant. Also, you will be wasting your energy trying to mask your own 'imperfections'. This is strength which can be better focused on more important things. Get good at taking initiative and apologizing when you mess up.

• Don't try to do everything yourself

The greatest cause of failure in leadership is the unwillingness to trust your followers with responsibilities which they could perform better than you. There is nothing noble about doing it all yourself and you are encouraging your followers that they do not have to do things which you are willing to do instead. If there is anything which you are doing now which someone on your team may be able to do better, pass it on to them. They will appreciate your willingness to trust them.

• Hold people accountable for results more than activity

People are masters of looking busy when they are doing nothing. Too often, leaders are focused on how busy people are and not enough on the results which they are getting. Learn to give your team some space and focus instead on the end result. They might just amaze you with their resourcefulness and it will make your job ten times easier.

• Give people a safe place to fail

If people are afraid of failure because of your reaction to it, then they are going to be a lot less likely to do their best. Why? Because it is far easier to be criticized for something which you did not put your heart and soul into. Failure is a necessary part of learning and just as much a stepping stone to success as success itself. Give people the freedom to fail, as long as it is in an attempt to bring about some positive result.

While these may take some time, they will increase your influence and level of trust with people. Pretty soon, you will become a leader who inspires others to do their best.
