Does Juicing For Weight Loss Really Work?
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Does juicing for weight loss really work?

Juicing is all the rage right now. Dieters come up with wild concoctions of veggies, fruits and supplements then liquefy them into healthy sounding drinks. But are they really healthy? And is juicing for weight loss really effective? It depends on why and how you drink it.
Health, weight loss, juicing, juice drinks, diet plan, fruits and veggies
1. Why do you drink juice? If you sidle up to the juice bar hoping to fill up on the healthy vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that you find in fruits and veggies then chances are good that you're going to get what you pay for. For example, blueberries are high in vitamin C; mango has plenty of B6 and vitamin A; if you add spinach to your drink, you also get iron, niacin, riboflavin and a host of other healthy nutrients.
2. The sensory experience of eating. If you’re dieting, you may also need to enjoy the sensory experience of eating. For many people, dieting is stressful. Losing weight may mean that you have to give up some of your favorite foods and eat less than you normally would. When you also deny yourself the positive sensory experiences that happen at mealtime, you could easily tip the stress scales too far in the wrong direction and end up giving up on your diet altogether. But even if the sensory experience of eating isn’t important to you, there are other reasons to think about whether juicing for weight loss is right for you.
3. Excess sugar. Depending on how your juice drink is made, it can contain disproportionately high levels of sugar. Even if you don't add extra sugar, most sweet fruits contain high levels of fructose. When you separate fructose from fiber the sugar is digested very quickly. You could end up becoming hungry and eating more a short time later.
4. Excess calories. It's easy to think that you'll consume fewer calories in a glass than you would on a plate, but juice calories can skyrocket when you're throwing gobs of stuff into a machine. If your juice drink is replacing a meal, then it's reasonable to consume 400 or 500 calories in liquid form. But for many people, the drink is an addition to their meals and snacks. If you're trying to lose weight, those calories could be a problem.
5. Whole fruits and vegetables are better for you. The whole forms of fruits and vegetables are really good for you and juicing may mean that you to eat less of them. When you eat fruits and veggies in their whole from, you benefit from the fiber and the texture in those foods. And because whole fruits and vegetables usually take longer to eat, you may end up consuming fewer calories in a sitting.

