Four Good Habits So That You Easily Lose Belly Meat
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Four good habits so that you easily lose belly meat

1.Develop a habit of daily bowel movements
Develop a habit of daily bowel movements, can promptly clean up the body of waste and waste out of the body, to simplify the in vivo environment, prevent the formation of belly bulge. In addition, when the stool not spurts, otherwise easily disrupt the function of the large intestine, causing hemorrhoids. To keep living, adequate rest, regular participation in sport, to develop good habits every day defecation.

2.Eat fine food and flatulence
Usually best to eat fine food and flatulence food. Generally fine foods include dairy, lean meat, fish, soy, eggs and other foods. Flatulence foods include sweets, dried beans and so on. Excessive intake of this food, it will become dry and less big. The food will affect the spleen and stomach bloating, decreased gastrointestinal motility. It is easy to eat two foods aggravate constipation. Therefore the daily need to eat more vegetables, whole grains and other fiber foods.

3.Do not abuse laxatives
Laxative effect is to stimulate the intestinal mucosa, allowing bowel mucosa longevity impulse or lubricating the intestinal wall, allowing the stool to temporarily smooth. But the impact on liver function laxatives large force will be weakened intestinal stress. If this continues, soon stop taking laxatives will deepen the situation of constipation.paiyouguo tea

4.Ring spicy, greasy, alcohol and tobacco
Chili, ginger, chives, vinegar, lamb, muscle, cream, butter and so are spicy greasy food. These foods cause stomach heat the knot. Tobacco and coffee can reduce intestinal secretion and motility, constipation girls continue to drink alcohol if you will be more severe the disease. Therefore, in order to be more smooth detox diet, be sure to avoid eating these three foods.
