E-Filing : Making Tax Filing Easier For You
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E-filing : Making tax filing easier for you

Business Writer
E-filing is one major thing in India today as it is the easier process of filing tax, in which a person does not have to walk through the income tax office to file his/her returns.

In the laws or rules and regulations of India, the word income tax is one major concern as one can say this is the main source of government's income, the income which govt use to develop and serve the country from schools to infrastructure and from health services to pension. Everyone knows that govt faces some problem in collecting tax from the public as tax fraud takes place in India and the same is suffered by the public also as the filing of tax is not a simple process. In the year 2007, govt of India jumped to a solution for this major problem and came up with the idea of e-tax.

E-tax is one very big and user friendly process of filing the tax, as it enables the person, in service, business or any profession to file the tax online, dismissing the old and long process of filing the tax in the traditional form.The online tax or e-tax is a very much convenient and useful process of filing tax as it does not take hours and days and reaches the conclusion within the few clicks. To go with an e-filing process, one only has to register himself on the income tax portal, login on the income tax website and then he/she can file the returns.

There are some types of e-filing as the one is which is done with the use of digital signature, secondly, which is done without using the digital signature and the third is where the filing is done through e-return intermediary. e-tax is useful to everyone, whether he/she is the employee somewhere, or if he is a businessman as the process saves time, which is a matter of concern if someone is in service. A person in business can also avail benefit of e-tax as a businessman could have to file income tax, service tax or some custom filings with an immediate effect which is possible through the e-filing.

However, e-filing is still not considered by many, as the process is also having some drawbacks like some people complain about the process that sometimes it is hard to submit the form as the process is totally electronic, which does not accept the form if a small error is detected in it, which can be ignored if one goes to file the tax manually. However, it is said that in the upcoming time these problems will be booted out in order to make it the most preferable way of filing tax.