''Why bad things happen with good people''
Hi everyone,
There were two friends who were studying together in the same college in same class. One of them was very humble person, who prayed to god daily and was fully dedicated to his studies. The 2nd one engulfed in bad society and never touched his books. He always came late at night fully drunk. But the thing was that the one who usually came late at night cleared all his exams by good marks and the good one always got satisfactory marks. The good one always used to ask god why the other guy gets good marks in spite of the fact that he never pays attention to study and always indulges in bad activities and he, who study every time, who worships you, only gets average marks. He said to god this is not fair, why this is happening to me, I am so good, then why only me??? One day both of them were coming late at night from party. One of them was so much drunk that he couldn’t walk on his own, so his friend helped him to take home. On the way when they were passing through the road side, the bad one found a golden ring which made him happy and again the good one got jealous that he is so unlucky. Why god did not give this golden ring to me? Why always the good thing happen with this bad. Moving a few steps further, the good one got injured. The broken glass piece lying on the road sliced his foot and blood started flowing. Then again he asked god why bad things happen with good people. Why me god??
Then one day he met with a saint and told his entire story to him. Then he told him that you have done very bad activities (KARMA) in your previous birth, due to this you are facing these problems. You must have died till now but your worship in god and being a good human you got very little token of punishment and on the other side your friend having good KARMA previously, who had to be king of the kingdom but he had to be satisfied with only this small ring because of his bad activities. So you should be thankful to god that you are still alive. So the thing is not that why bad things happen to good people. It is all about our previous KARMA. So if you want to be have good life ahead always keep chanting the name of GOD. The bird is in your hand. So in the last always be a part of good activities and always keep faith on god....