How To Increase Blog Traffic!
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How To Increase Blog Traffic!

Internet Marketer
Blogging has pretty much replaced traditional news as the way most people get their information and editorials. So of course, everyone wants to get into blogging these days, but not everyone knows how to increase blog traffic and make the most of the opportunity that's available on the internet. If this is you, here are three quick tips to increase traffic...

Uncensor Yourself

There's nothing people love more than hearing it like it is. Who are you trying not to offend here? Now, obviously, if you just try to say the most shocking things imaginable, then you're just another Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh (American radio personalitys)wannabe. But, if you're willing to say the things we're all thinking but aren't always willing to say for fear of offending people... Well, that could be what you need to help you stand out.

Think For Yourself

Don't just repeat what you heard on News paper or CBN News earlier today. Think for yourself, come up with your own opinions and don't just tow the party line. People want something new, they want a fresh, original perspective on things. So think for yourself, provide a fresh perspective on the news of the day.


Add a lot of friends on your blog. A LOT of friends. Drop a lot of comments on other people's blogs. Respond to comments on your own blog. Basically, you want to be very active within the blogging community. Don't be rude, but don't be too sheepish, either. Be bold, comment a lot and make some buddies online. Hermits don't speak to a wide audience, even when they use the internet, so be active and be social and make as many web-friends as you can.
