Better People Management In Marketing!
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Better People Management In Marketing!

Internet Marketer
In every Network Marketing books you read that people are the most important components to success, however not enough practical advise is given. Things you can implement tomorrow. Here are a few practical things you can do to create prospect engagement:

1. Manage with a personal touch
Provide public personal recognition, write "great job" and "thank you" emails

2. Make the ambition clear and understood
If you have a clearly formulated ambition, continue with communication where the company is heading, Keep this direction simple and clear and ensure it combines the hard numbers products that will deliver it.

3. Set expectations
Be clear and direct what you expect people to do. Ensure that your uplines meet regularly with their teams to update them on what has happened in the teams and talk about improvements.

4. Seek out different opinions
Visit Prospects, invite people for lunch with whom you have never had lunch, go to dinner and connect with your people

5. Create Bonding
People can only deliver their best when they are emotionally connected to the business and their leader. Be personal, know them

6. Create opportunities
Have a clear career path in place with due dates for next moves, criterias to distinguish between high and poor performers, and be actively involved in peoples careers
