Major Causes Of High Blood Pressure In Men
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Major Causes of High Blood Pressure in Men

Just like water being pumped through pipes is subjected to pressure, the blood pumping through our circulatory system also experiences a certain amount of pressure. The blood exerts certain pressure against the walls of arteries, veins and heart chambers through as it passes through them. This pressure when exceeds than certain regular measures is described as high blood pressure. The blood pressure is often measured in  millimeters of mercury or mm Hg. The normal blood pressure value for an adult man remains between 120/70 to 140/90 mm Hg. Any thing above this would be mentioned as high blood pressure or hypertension.

Causes of High Blood Pressure

There are essentially four major causes resulting in high blood pressure in men. These include

High Salt Diet

The most common reason for high blood pressure found in most of the men is the improper diet including the higher quantities of salt. High salt diet increases the potassium levels in the body thereby leading to problems of high blood pressure.

Stressful Schedule

According to recent research conducted at American Society of Hypertension, young men across the world have high blood pressure as compared to the older generation. The main reason for this is the stressful routines, study or work schedules. Stress can significantly boost your blood pressure leading to severe health problems in the near future.

Lack of Exercise

The majority of health problems in human beings are because of lack of exercise. Similar is the case with blood pressure too. Exercising regularly for a certain period of time will open up the blood vessels and keeps the pressure in tact. Therefore in an individual who does not exercise sufficiently there are greater risks of hypertension.

Genetic Factors               

More often the diseases become hereditary and pass on through the generations. Hypertension can also be due to genetic factors. In many cases it is witnessed that both father and his adult son are having the same blood pressure problems. This is due to to genetics which pass on from father to the son. But however it’s not that necessary for this to happen. In many cases this can be avoided with a healthy and active lifestyle.

However there could be other reasons too for blood pressure problems like overweight, high cholesterol levels in the body, unhealthy habits like smoking and if an individual already has serious health problems like diabetes.

How to treat High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure can be treated with the help of medications. Several medicines are available for the treatment of high blood pressure out of which medicine named Atacand is the most widely used. Atacand or generically known as Candesartan is an angiotensin II receptor antagonist. This Atacand medicine for high blood pressure or hypertension problems functions by improving the blood flow in the  and preventing the blood vessels from narrowing. It is to be taken in the prescribed dosage only after consult of a doctor. The Atacand prescription medicines are available online too. By carefully selecting a reliable online pharmacy, one buy the required quantity of Atacand Candesartan medicines at cheaper price.


High blood pressure in men can lead to several health problems as it lasts longer and therefore should be diagnosed and treated in time.

This article educates reader about causes of high blood pressure and Atacand medicine for high blood pressure or hypertension in men.

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