How Data Recover After Actuator Failure
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How data recover after actuator failure

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An actuator is a vital component of a hard drive. The actuator’s arm holds the read/write head firmly and accurately positions it on the platter – the place where the actual data is stored. Since an actuator and its arm work in tandem with other parts of a hard drive to carry out data related functions efficiently, its failure can give rise to serious data loss problems. In such cases, data can be accessed if you have maintained a valid backup. However, if the backup fails to fulfill the requirement, you can simply count upon data recovery services.

Such expert services can be accessed very easily if you are residing in New Jersey. Many hopes have come up in this state – which is a home to several businesses – to assure organizations and individuals of data recovery in event of actuator failure. Moreover, data recovery services in New Jersey can be availed in almost all possible cases of data loss.

How an actuator arm works

To understand the role of an actuator arm in a read and write process, you must understand how all the parts of a hard drive work. When your computer receives a request – to either write or read data – the controller looks for data’s location or for an empty space on the platter. Once an appropriate location is found, the controller positions the platter in place for the actuator arm to do its job. The actuator arm moves over the rotating platters when the motor speeds up. The actuator arm pulls the data off the magnetic platter or writes new data to them.

Types of actuator

In old hard drives, the actuator used to be connected through a stepping motor. The stepping motor needed the parts of a hard drive to be in a parked position to read and write data. The problem associated with the stepping motor is that any miscalculation in the timing of the movements could end up corrupting the data.

The modern hard drives, however, use voice coil actuators. Being insensitive to thermal issues, it is also very much faster and reliable than a stepper motor. Voice coils are made to improve the integrity and accuracy of the actuator arm.

What causes an actuator to fail?

Be it a stepping motor actuator or voice coil actuator, the reality is, both being mechanical parts, are not immune to failures. They can fail anytime under various circumstances and an affected individual has no option but to avail timely professional data recovery services to recover his valuable data. Here are few common reasons behind an actuator failure:

  • Very strong vibrations

  • Fluctuations in power

  • Accidental dropping of a hard drive

  • Regular wear and tear

  • Overheating and many others


Stellar Data Recovery Inc., specializes in providing economical, reliable and safe data recovery services in NJ to affected individuals and organizations.
