Change Work Before Work Changes You Notice It .
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Change Work Before Work Changes You notice it .

Business Analyst

Everyone finds their work life boring. They wake up, go to work and come home. Work used to be exciting when there was more ahead than behind you. Questions regarding what you are going to do with the rest of your life run through your head and you find your self having to come to terms with the fact that work is going to be just like this forever. Time is right for a shakedown. Given these tough economic times we are going through, maybe it would be best if you take things in your own hands and give yourself a job shakedown before the (now-inevitable) company shakedown!

Flat Spot Rut Paradigm

Flat spots occur in every automobile’s acceleration curve, where the engine hesitates. The feeling of not going anywhere in life is like the proverbial plateau that has started to limit your possibilities and (here’s the bad news) abilities. The same old routine has an uncanny ability to simultaneously be your limitation. Welcome to your own well-worn rut.

Hope Springs Eternal

Hopes are eternal, but what are the steps you have taken in your life to ensure that you are in alignment with your hopes? You might not get what you dream about but if you do not make any moves in the direction of your dream, you will definitely get nothing. Waiting around like a ‘good boy’ for a pat on the back or for someone to notice and reward your efforts might make for a good personal ‘hug-yourself-till-you-feel-good’ strategy, but honestly speaking you are actually powerless.

Switching Tracks - Personal Job Shakedown Strategies

Take the plunge, spin the wheel of fortune, flip the card around and you will be starting all over in a new career. Current statistics show people average three different industries in the course of the complete time span of their careers. People who change careers mid-stream invariably do so to pursue things that they always wanted to do in life. Once they knew what they wanted to change, then what they want to do automatically becomes what they always wanted to try.

Oasis of Education

They say that if a person stops learning, they have finally become ‘old.’ Learning is something that keeps most of us alive. In so many cases, it can actually prolong life. Ever heard of people who pick up Judo at the age of 50 and become black belts by the age of 60? Anything is possible if you keep an open mind.

Citizenship, Community & Contribution

Quality of life lies in the amount of meaningful interaction you have in it. People who are experiencing a plateau need to find ways to use their knowledge to make a difference to others. Teaching is a great way to combine your need for change and strengthen your core skills. Being a mentor can revitalize your own growth.
