$100 Billion Added To Free Grant Money
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$100 Billion Added to Free Grant Money

AX0-100 The government has been flushing more and more money into the free grant money programs in order to stimulate the economy, and now is the time to claim some of these funds.
0B0-103 Just as you've seen with the tax rebate checks, this is cash that you receive and don not have to repay. There are hundreds of grant programs for various purposes, such as to pay off your debt, go back to school, or to start your own business. Those who are approving the applications are being very generous at this time.
Many people are taking advantage of the system and applying for multiple grants. There's not limit, according to the government, on how many grants can be applied for and received. That means you may be able to obtain a $10,000 grant to help pay your mortgage and another $50,000 grant check to start a home based business.
Taxpayers will be paying for this in one way or another. It is estimated that each tax payer will have to pay an additional $17,000 in over the next 10 years to cover for these grant checks that are being written today. This money is coming out of your pocket, so you are in fact entitled to receive some of these funds.
0B0-101 After all, why should one person get free money because they bought too big of a house be rewarded and not you?
The biggest grants checks are being sent to those who want to start a small business or want to expand their existing business. According to the government, it is small businesses development that fuels the economy and keeps America running as a competitive nation. That's where they are making the biggest investment with your money.
