5 Best IPhone 4S Games 2012
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5 Best iPhone 4S Games 2012

The iPhone 4S is like its earlier version as far as external features are concerned. However, with the new processor and A5 chip and iOS 5, iPhone 4S is the best gadget in the market for game lovers. Now playing a game in your iPhone 4s set will be faster with cleaner, crisper graphics. Frame rates, game loading, and launch times are better as compared to iPhone 4 version. We choose 5 best iPhone 4S games for you.


1. Dead Space

Dead Space should be a household name to any hardcore gamer. The series offers such a compelling horror feel and story that the iOS game is a strong companion to the console versions of the game. Dead Space on the iOS was made to promote and hype up the launch for Dead Space 2 but managed to stand out on its own as a great horror title, with crisp graphics and dropping onscreen buttons for a full view of the game.


2. Machinarium 

Machinarium is a rare game that stands out in a sea of clones and sequels. First making its release on the PC back in 2009, Machinarium has finally made it's way to the iOS. It plays very much like an old school point-and-click adventure. Needless to say, it fits right at home on the iOS. 


3. Rage HD

While Rage has just launched to consoles, Rage HD has been out for awhile to offer players a small teaser of the full title. Even though the game has already been released, Rage HD is still a great game to pick up and play for the iPhone 4S. 


4. Asphalt 6: Adrenaline 

Asphalt 6: Adrenaline is a racing game. While I'm unable to expand too much on what the game is about, I'll say simply that it's a great game for what it offers. 


5. Spider-Man: Total Mayhem

Developed by Gameloft, Spider-Man Total Mayhem lets you experience a day in the life of Peter Parker. Take on some of the daily tasks and errands that pop up in the city as you swing from building to building. While this game may not have much of a storyline (or character development, for that matter), the web action and boss fights make up for it.


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