Delete Audio Books From IPod
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Delete Audio Books from iPod

Audiobooks are a great way to pass time while you're traveling or for experiencing literature if you don't have time to read books, but they are often several hours long and take up lots of space on your iPod. You will most likely find yourself needing to remove old audiobooks so you can fit new ones on your iPod.


Step 1

Plug your iPod into a USB port on your computer. iTunes should automatically open. If it doesn't, open it from the "Applications" folder on a Mac or from the "Start" menu on a Windows PC.


Step 2

Click on your iPod in the "Devices" list in the left side-panel in iTunes. Tick the check box next to "Manually Manage Music and Videos" and click "Apply" in the bottom-right corner.


Step 3

Click on "Books" underneath your iPod in the "Devices" list.


Step 4

Highlight the audiobook that you want to delete from your iPod. To highlight more than one audiobook at once, hold down "Ctrl" on a Windows PC or "Cmd" on a Mac and click on all of the audiobooks you want to highlight.


Step 5

Click on "Edit" in the menu bar at the top of your screen and choose "Delete." Your audiobook has now been deleted from your iPod but is still stored in your iTunes library.


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