Memory On The IPhone
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Memory on the iPhone

The iPhone is a cell phone manufactured by Apple that plays music, shoots pictures and videos and can connect to the Internet over cell phone data networks and Wi-Fi. The iPhone can also run "apps" or applications. Each application must load in the iPhone's memory before you can use it. If too many memory-intensive apps are running at the same time, one or more of the applications may shut down without warning.


The iPhone 4 has 512 megabytes of random access memory (RAM), which is where applications load and run. This memory is separate from the phone's storage capacity, which holds music, videos, pictures and apps. The iPhone 4 comes with either 16 or 32 gigabytes of this system memory. Certain apps can consume greater amounts of memory as you use them. For example, the Safari web browser can open up to eight pages at once. If these multiple open pages require a lot of memory, another application, such as music or video playback with the iPod app, may suddenly close down.


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