“IIBS Director’S Take On Placements 2010”
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“IIBS Director’s take on placements 2010”

Tell us few things about International Institute of business Studies?

International Institute of business Studies, transform students as per industry standards. IIBS develop the knowledge, enhance skills and fine tune the attitude of students at line with the requirement of the companies

What are the various courses being offered to the students at IIBS?

MBA from various universities and bachelors program especially BBA, B.Com & BCA.  MBA program is being offered by Bhartitar University, Punjab technical university, Bangalore University & University of Northern Virginia, USA.

Does IIBS give preference to students with work experience?

Students will pre work experience are supported by IIBS in terms of

  • Giving priority for admission & placements
  • Scholarship program

What are the primary sectors where IIBS students were placed in 2010?

In the year 2010 IIBS had placed 90% of the student s from different campuses. Most of the students have been placed in IT, Financial & Retail sector and have started working. Apart from it students are working in HR consulties . Annual package was 15-16 lakh p.a which has been backed by 5 students at international destinations.  In India it is average package is 4.5 – 5 lakh p.a.

Does IIBS offer any certification / skill set to students which pursuing MBA?

Apart from MBA degree students are awarded PGPBM certification on completion of the course.  Students are given the opportunity to participate in international seminar for having an overview of International scenario of business world. IIBS offer IFS to its which focuses on skill development and attitude fighting session which will beneficial to them in the corporate world.

How beneficial is the International affiliation of IIBS to students? 

Now a day most of the companies in India are interacting with international client for better business opportunities.  Students on international trips are taken to “companies and campus “ giving them an overview of academic  as well as business happening their.

What are the USPs of IIBS?

  • IIBS enrolls student who had appeared for CAT to transform them into great personalities, ie whichever organization they join people will remember them for their work.
  • Students at IIBS are molded to be easily absorbed by the industry ie they are given more practical exposure
  • In IIBS 3rd sem students are suppose to do internship for 3 months in originations, these internships are paid internships. 
  • 4th sem students  can join organization as and when they get offer letter from companies
  • IIBS prepares professional  MBAs rather than certified MBAs

What kind of scholarships is available at IIBS?

IIBS support girls to take up higher studies to support this cause they give  scholarships to all to all females students who have scored 60% through out in class X,XII & graduation. IIBS has supported a student from Kolkata who couldn’t afford to MBA but had visualized of being an MBA grad. Since he was good at academics IIBS offered him scholarship of Rs 1.2 lakh which helped him to achieve his dream. Scholarship at IIBS range from, Rs 10000 to 100000 depending upon the candidate and his scores.

What are the future plans of IIBS?

IIBS accept CAT score and has few students in campus who did appear for CAT and score decent percentile. For future IIBS is planning to start a batch purely of CAT students. “Apart from awarding MBA, PGPBM certification, IFS training these students will be trained for social responsibility ie once in a week these selected students will be working for the society”.

Exp – Student will be addressing problem like “traffic congestion, waste management, real estate,  high prices of essential  commodities”

Students will have to provide a solution to the society for the problem undertaken by them. IIBS has faculties who will be guiding the students in achieving the goals set for them by the institute.
