Electronic Voting Systems and surveys
Electronic voting system has helped in all step of election from setup to distributing, from voting to collecting, even in counting ballots. So this is very huge benefit of online voting systems. Yes we require highly secure, transparent online voting system. Voting systems should be meticulous in all factors of security and risk management.
Similarly online surveys are also very helpful to get instant responses and interpretation of data. Online surveys help to increase turnout voters. It can save time, money and effort. Web based online voting helps in many technical terms like no need of any installation, any patches, and better self management. Some features are very important in voting systems like Template for polls, survey setup wizard, Vote counting, various ballot methods, Controlling who can vote and partitioning voters into groups, Multi-language online voting, Overvotes and undervotes, Integrated bulk emailer, Vote open and close dates, Candidate rotation, Candidate bio page, Votes counted live, Create separate polls for different groups, Poll menu. These features can help to maintain online voting system easily..

For more information: online Voting Systems, online voting