Comprehensive Analysis Of Android Ecosystem
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Comprehensive Analysis of Android ecosystem

It is well known that mobile Internet area (intelligent phone and flat computer) of competition has entered into to ecological system of competition, in the competition, due to Google Android has a rapid growth in intelligent phone market, and eventually in market share has beyond Apple and industry thought it can compete with Apple. IDC latest of report displayed, to 2016, based on Google Android system of intelligent interconnected device (including intelligent phone, and Tablet PC and PC) market share will reach 31.1% over iOS-based (17.3%) and is based on Windows (25.1%) equipment market share and thus become the largest ecological system of intelligent equipment. But IDC said, although from the overall highest market share of Android system, but because of the large number of manufacturers into the market, enterprises are to continue profits very difficult. This leads to the author of this topic, what constitutes a successful ecosystem?

I believe in intelligent devices (actually referring to is mobile Internet) a successful eco-systems in the field, one of the factors leading to market share is only one, the key is to look at the eco-system coverage, revenue (or known as income-generating) capacity (of itself and to the eco-system partners) to measure multi angle.

Coverage area in the first place, if the Smartphone and Tablet represents the future development trend of mobile Internet, at least so far, Google Android tablet computers nearly have no gains. It may be said, Amazon's Kindle Fire did not sell very well? Entire based on Android system of flat computer of market share in last year of fourth quarter also has occupied 30% of market share, Yes, despite so, Apple also is sharply leading in market share, if revenues of factors that I said above, Apple has took flat computer market revenues of 80% above of revenues, so above of 30% share does not take to 20% of revenues, reflects Android this area of revenues ability, Here also not counting the number of partners with Android, if you mean to each partner, they share and how revenue share in the entire Tablet market?

Here I needs stressed of is, Amazon the has occupied half in this 30% of market share, due to Amazon has themselves of commercial mode and application store, so outside usually will Amazon of flat computer independent Google of Android (despite its used of is Android of custom version), so, then excluding Amazon of Kindle Fire, Google Android to each cooperation partners brings market share and revenues almost can ignored, This is why the industry believes that Android tablets have been lost and by Microsoft Windows8 have the opportunity and the main reason for the Google brand tablet computers to be published.

To date, only a few manufacturers, including HP, Dell and Lenovo promises with Windows 8. However, with the passage of time, the real question is whether they will be focusing on the platform. These manufacturers in Vista are not popular when they are leaving Windows. Now, thanks to Windows 8 will provide a significantly different user experience, user may not use the operating system. Once again, the manufacturer may not play properly with Microsoft. Now Windows is not well compatible with smartphone, compared with Apple iPhone, it is not well, what is worse, Apple iPhone5 is coming, many iPhone fans are looking forward to it, even they have bought many best iphone4 cases, for example, stylish iphone4 cases.

Also in intelligent phone market, latest of statistics displayed, Apple and Samsung (one of Google Android of cooperation partners) two companies include has intelligent phone market 90% of profit, but in this 90% of profit in the, Apple and occupies has near 60%, this means with other of many of Android partnership partners in carved up intelligent phone industry does not to 10% of profit (because also has black Berry and Microsoft,), also is specific to each cooperation partners, By Android's share of profits is it negligible? I believe, many Android handset manufacturers is a loss leader. Samsung is the largest beneficiaries of Android (at least in a spell on shipments with Apple iPhone, on revenues and profits, however the difference is too much), but is also a dwarf in the Android system in General.

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