Five Reasons For Apple Ipad Should Not To Cut Price
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Five reasons for Apple Ipad should not to cut price

United States IT site eWeek wrote today, although some people in the industry believed that Apple iPad 2 should be cut in order to remain competitive, thereby meeting the challenge of Kindle Fire, this logic is flawed. Amazon Kindle Fire tablet computer was launched at the $ 199 price, and Barnes (Barnes&Noble) Nook Tablet tablet computer costed just US $ 249. Many people said that when Apple is also re-thinking Tablet strategy and lower iPad price of 2. in order to better face the challenges of competitors, the Apple should re-thinking Tablet strategy and reduce the iPad2 price. 1, the sales of the ipad2 has been very strong IPad 2 is currently starting at $ 499, but it is very superior in retail channel sales. Regardless of the price or not, iPad 2 tablet computer will be the most popular. 2, the iPad 2will still be higher than the price of Kindle Fire Apple IPad can't reduce the price to $ 199. So even to cut the price, the price of products will still be higher than the newly listed products, this does not in any way. In fact, Apple will continue to provide quality products, and the Amazon and Barnes to provide cheap products. 3, the other manufacturers will follow up If in order to attract more users to buy the iPad 2 Tablet computer, Apple reduce the price, most competitors will follow within a few days, including the Samsung and Barnes, in order to maintain the relative prices unchanged with Apple. 4, Kindle Fire may not be able to successfully Believe all those who think Apple will be forced to cut prices, Kindle Fire will be a success. Judging from the history of Tablet computer, for most of the manufacturers have failed, so Kindle Fire may not be able to succeed. 5, other products do not change Many of the products at first seems very good, but the actual effect of listed are unsatisfactory. RIM BlackBerry Playbook is one example, the product is equipped with 7-inch display, but there is no localized e-mail application and information. Kindle Fire has 8GB of the storage space, and does not have a camera. What is more, the other products has the same shortcomings as the ipad, for they also can not support many other video formats, for example, such as convert avi to ipad this simple operation can not finished, however, they can make 3d videos by using a 2d to 3d converter.In short, the price is not the key factor, which Tablet PC manufacturers don't worry. Regardless of how price is, iPad 2 is going to be overlord of the market.
