Microsoft Windows 8 Can Hardly Achieve Success
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Microsoft Windows 8 can hardly achieve success

April 27 morning news, Apple CEO Tim Cook in the Investor Conference, said he did not believe that Microsoft with Windows 8 to support from notebook to Tablet to other hybrid device strategy will succeed, and compared to the one it has refrigerator oven features.

Citigroup analyst Richard Gardner asked about the Apple put iPad and MacBook Air into a single computing device eventually, making it both with portability of Tablet, also have a keyboard and a complete desktop operating system at the same time, he replied, it's not a good idea. He pointed out: "the PC in conjunction with the Tablet PC experience needs to do a lot of work, especially on the PC platform, its part of the reason is that Windows 8 operating system is also based on touch. Might as well tell me, why do you think PC, ultra and the Tablet market as a whole? ”

Cook further noted that: "anything can be forced into one. But the problem is that these products will therefore be expedient; and when you start when these products are expedient, the end result is everyone would not be happy. "He say:" you can set the oven and refrigerator for one, but you know, it probably won't keep users happy. ”

According to foreign media reports, Apple has announced yesterday that Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) will be held in San Francisco on June 11 in 2012. Today, Korea Web site revealed that Apple's next-generation Smartphone iPhone 5 will be released at that time.

IPhone 4S released last year to break Apple's tradition, it was released on October, iPhone 5 will be back. This is good news for iPhone fans, some of them even bought some iphone accessories to wait iphone5, such as cool iphone cases, metal iphone cases and leather iphone cases.

The Korea Web site also stressed in the report, iPhone 5 will use liquid metal shell, it will be thinner and lighter. Samsung Galaxy S3 is also the material used. This material do lighter while your phone, without weakening the phone fell, the ability to wear resistance.

In August 2010, the liquid metal to Apple's technology licensing, this metal is composed of nickel, picks, titanium and other metal alloys, very firm and hard to damage. Since then, the Apple rumor of iPhone5 and MAC will use liquid metal abroad. WWDC 2012 will open next month, let us wait and see.

Cook suggested that Apple's competitors may only be as desperate holding joking attitude to plans to introduce the so-called "deformable notebook", that is, with touch-screen monitor with the traditional keyboard connected together, so as to enable it to play a notebook features. Microsoft and Intel have been talking about this idea.

Since early 2010's first since the iPad, Apple's intention has always been using iOS and OS x to create a unique product, and this can also be used as proof of Cook's remarks. Although Cook pointed out that, this two a platform can free to each other borrowed each other of function, like information, and reminded, and game Center and is publishing of OS x Mountain Lion system in the plans launched of notification Center function,, but from flat computer and notebook of constitute elements view, this two species products in short-term within cannot-in for one, its causes is that their actual use has is large differences.

Cook also said: "we believe that the Tablet market has huge potential. "He said, judging from the extensive use of internal testing iPad, Apple listed earlier in this tablet computer has recognized this point before. "The iPad has been successful, not only in the consumer market, in education and in the corporate sector are; in some sense, it is now ubiquitous.”

Cook also said: "in the ecological system is getting better and better, and we are to redouble its efforts to make good product of the situation, I think that the Tablet market is potential. ”

He said, as Apple launched the iPad in the first two years ' time, the Tablet sales will have reached 67 million; compared with this, the company only sold the same amount spent 24 years iPod,3 years Mac,5 years to sell the same amount of time to sell the same amount of iPhone.

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